Friday, February 5, 2010

Chloasma Treatment Diet Does Anyone Know The Best Treatment For Melasma (chloasma)?

Does anyone know the best treatment for melasma (chloasma)? - chloasma treatment diet

These are terrible brown spots on the skin, and hyperpigmentation, and I use a camouflage cream to be covered.


pseudony... said...

Your first contact should be your doctor, but according to Wikipedia, there are several options available:

Money news, such as hydroquinone (HQ) either in over-the-(2%) or prescription counters (4%) strength. HQ is a chemical that inhibits tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin production
Tretinoin, an acid, increases skin cell (keratinocyte) turnover. This treatment can not be used during pregnancy.
Azelaic acid (20%), thought to reduce the activity of melanocytes.

Facial peel with alpha hydroxy acids or chemical peels of glycolic acid.

Laser treatment. A Wood's lamp test should be used to determine whether the melasma of the epidermis or dermis. If the melasma is dermal (laser "IPL") ACUALLY obscured deteriorate and the appearance of stains. Melasma skin generally unresponsive, most of tinnitus, which has been identified to clarify with products with almond acid.

In all these treatments the effects are gradual and a strict avoidance of sunlight is necessary. The use ofBroad-spectrum sunscreens with physical blockers like titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide instead of a chemical blocker.

Curiosit... said...

Try this site: ...

snarkkey said...

If the result is of pregnant should disappear after the birth. I think it is hormone and is more common forms of skin darker. If it can be hormonal imbalances disappear if they are regulated. In the meantime, the sun does not. There are some medicines that should help, although I have no personal knowledge of them.
Here is a website providing information, which is able to help contain.
Good luck

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