Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Need To Get My Whole Body Lasered Broke Big Toe And Smaller Toe Next To It, Anyone Got Advice On How Long It Will Take To Heal?

Broke big toe and smaller toe next to it, anyone got advice on how long it will take to heal? - i need to get my whole body lasered

I lost 16 kg weight on the foot. I had to go to hospital with a broken fingernail, and bleeding breastfeeding wudnt go. They like a laser all in all, it was a terrible pain. I just want to know when they start putting the weight on the heel? As always with me, really, if the one step forward, one step back, because I was in a good workout and was reaching the peak of conditioning my body. Any tips? and other stories of broken toes?


Inca Yebail - The 6th profit. said...

The bones take 6 weeks to fix up. How to use again in the toes, all depends on your pain threshold.

Or 42 days away from work or school if you play your cards.

Stef said...

It is unclear how long it takes to heal, because every person has their own pace is recovering, but usually takes between 6-8 weeks to the bone repair. If you are not too badly damaged nerves in the nail bed of his new nail regrowth in about 6-12 months.

I doubt that cast, so you need to see the finger. If you loaded belt composed of two fingers, just to support them. You may feel more comfortable going with them. Always remove the bandage when he carried no weight.

If you get a system for the gym and then try to sit without weight exercises like squats, weights and swimming.

Han said...

Because his injuries were recovered in about 6 weeks. Thi, however, that if the foot is rested and not used.

jamand said...

I understand - it can take months to connect the background and heal properly

Lloyd said...

my still does hurt after 1.5 months / 2 months

jayjay said...

a mouth or

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