Friday, January 22, 2010

Causes Of Migraine Headaches What Are The Triggering Factors That Causes Migraine Headache?

What are the triggering factors that causes migraine headache? - causes of migraine headaches

Some triggers are strong odors, nuts, chocolate, spicy foods, changes in climate and patterns of sleep disturbances typical. However, in some people with chronic migraines, but not that their brains are simply not wired at all times.


George S said...

Migraine and its cause (spirit) was first identified in the Papyrus Ebers, more than 3500 years. The issue today is the same, although not recognized by science. A spiritual causes of migraine explains why migraine can move at a time, and why migraines are heralding a strange visual aura or tingling of the skin (the feeling of a ghost, accompanied by physical contact).

The pain is usually administered as a result of culpable conduct in order to try to help the individual, self-righteous. Those who have migraines, the saints, who speaks in Scripture.

Girzie said...

I think it is different for different people. For some it is chocolate, cheese, red wine. For others, it can stress. Different shapes can be exacerbated by the strip, the illumination or the flashing lights, the television.

If you are a victim, you will learn to recognize triggers for you.

My husband has suffered from migraines, and has a massive brain haemhorrage and never had a migraine again. He did not survive and is very well indeed! This was no joke.

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