Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rci Cruises What To Wear For RCI Cruise?

What to wear for RCI cruise? - rci cruises

This is a 4-night cruise, and I'm dbating what wear to dinner one night. I have an evening dress might be, but I'm not happy. I read that sleeveless dress in the dining room are acceptable. I have a pretty cotton dress is strapless plaid. It looks great and I love him, but I wonder whether it would be appropriate? I know for a shorter ride, making it less formal, but I do not want to sound stupid.


PAWS said...

As fun as it is, are not asking for the formal nights ... So you can at any time.

We rode with the RC last summer by all the formal nights in the following table are in jeans and T-shirts. They were allowed to eat in the dining room. Now granted, most people were dressed very formally ... some probably a little higher!

My impression is that this is an opportunity for you to have fun, portray clothing and your family. The more you all the clothes? "I just do not dwell on this issue. Choose what you are nice and comfortable and not worry what people say.

Johan from Sweden said...

In most of the evening dresses and casaul's perfectly fine as long as you do not wear jeans, wouldnt of the main hall for the formal night will be shown. But you might be a bit odd when most people dress. Onother is that you are to receive master propely If you are not attracted (and it is impossible to get:) a tie for gentlemen. But otherwise, just use the same fabric as you would in a Reasturant downtown. And please remember that the swimsuit is not loud in the dining rooms and buffets at any time. Johan

Johan from Sweden said...

In most of the evening dresses and casaul's perfectly fine as long as you do not wear jeans, wouldnt of the main hall for the formal night will be shown. But you might be a bit odd when most people dress. Onother is that you are to receive master propely If you are not attracted (and it is impossible to get:) a tie for gentlemen. But otherwise, just use the same fabric as you would in a Reasturant downtown. And please remember that the swimsuit is not loud in the dining rooms and buffets at any time. Johan

Johan from Sweden said...

In most of the evening dresses and casaul's perfectly fine as long as you do not wear jeans, wouldnt of the main hall for the formal night will be shown. But you might be a bit odd when most people dress. Onother is that you are to receive master propely If you are not attracted (and it is impossible to get:) a tie for gentlemen. But otherwise, just use the same fabric as you would in a Reasturant downtown. And please remember that the swimsuit is not loud in the dining rooms and buffets at any time. Johan

Kitty said...

even for smaller cruise is a good costume. But I just want to say that in almost every night you something semi-casual. but probably will be a formal evening and night wear dress the party. But I was, I know, 10-15 cruise (my mother is a travel agent), and many people take pleasure every day. in this note that many people, things at random each night. No matter what you wear does not seem stupid, as something to fit as much in the dining hall.

gmd said...

They do not look stupid. The items you mentioned would be great. Despite what they say, people do not dress herself like a cruise. A sun dress (would be), strapless or otherwise perfect. A good pair of black Capri pants with a lid would be good enough. A nice dress shirt is tucked away in khaki-suited for a man.

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