Friday, January 15, 2010

Air Conditioner Pictures What Are The 'delay' Buttons On An Air Conditioner Remote Used For?

What are the 'delay' buttons on an air conditioner remote used for? - air conditioner pictures

I have the instructions for a new air conditioning, and I ask you. This may seem a silly question, but on the remote, that the delay and then the image of a clock with an arrow to it says. You have two buttons on the side with a plus sign (+) in one year and minus (-) on the other side. Pressing the button a start and up to 12 degrees. Is there any reason for these keys, and if so, what and how they use most?

I do not know if this is set in the section, either ...


nick G said...

and probably 12 degrees are, hours, and is also the date of the air conditioning if you want to start or started an hour late, then we put in a

Ammy said...

I think it controls the time that the A / C unit is before you to delay your cycle. I have no idea why you would need a function if ...

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